Why I’m Thankful My Family isn’t always Blood Related

Why I’m Thankful My Family isn’t always Blood Related

The phrase family isn’t always blood related has never been more true to me than it is now. When I look at my family, the first thing I think of isn’t my parents or even my husband and children—it’s my friends who have become family to me. My family may not be blood related, but they are certainly not less important to me than my actual family, and without them, I wouldn’t be as strong as I am today.

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Finding my place in my family

I grew up in a small household; my mom and dad were in charge of taking care of my siblings and I. While growing up, I never thought much about where I belonged because my mother said that it was enough that I was just part of our little group. It wasn’t until college when I heard other students talk about how important their blood families were to them that I began to think more deeply about mine. My biological father and mother live far away from us now, so we rarely see each other.

Loving your own unique way

I love my wife so much and to find a family that loves him just as much has made all of us feel like we are a real true loving family. It has brought our families closer together and really showed how good it feels to be around people that you love and care about in your life. I think any one can make a great family with their own unique way! We all love each other for what we add to each others lives!

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Why I'm Thankful My Family isn't always Blood RelatedPin
Why I’m Thankful My Family isn’t always Blood Related

The importance of being passionate about your life’s work

Passion is a big driver of success. Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life, right? That may be true to some extent (although I’m sure you know at least one person who likes their job), but more important than doing something that you think is enjoyable is doing something that you believe in – not just how it will benefit yourself, but how it will impact others in a positive way as well.

Being the best you can be, no matter what others say

When your parent tells you that you can’t accomplish something because of one thing or another, what do you do? Do you listen to them? Or do you strive to make your parent proud while making yourself happy at the same time? I think sometimes we get so caught up in being someone that everyone else wants us to be that we lose sight of our own desires and needs in life. Being a family is about love and respect for those closest to us—no matter how we came into their lives.

Knowing you are loved and supported when you need it most

Family members can provide you with emotional support during difficult times and brighten your day when you need a little cheering up. Just as every individual is unique and different, so are families—the definition of family can be very broad and encompass a variety of relationships that bring joy to someone’s life and help them feel loved and supported. If you had to choose just one word to describe what family means to you, what would it be?

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Seeking out love from other types of families

Some of us grow up in a family of brothers and sisters, cousins or step siblings. Others are lucky enough to grow up with all these things as well as loving parents who care about us just as much as any biological parent could be expected to.

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